Cooling Plant Replacement

Kensington & Chelsea Town Hall
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This was a comprehensive project to strip out and upgrade the chiller and cooling tower systems in this prestigious Royal Borough’s combined Town Hall and Civic Centre, whilst the buildings remained fully operational.

The project began in December 2019 with mobilisation, design development, site set up, performance of an asbestos survey and procurement. Works on site commenced in January 2020. Commissioning took place in January 2021 with final handover taking place in February 2021.

The most relevant tasks performed included:
Strip out of cooling plant and roof works.
Design and pipework fabrication 15mm - 300mm.
Strip out of chiller plant room and pump area.
Installation of large bore pump.
Specialist Lift work and assembly of pipework.
Water treatment.
Thermal insulating and making good.
Completion of multiple freeze isolations to various piped services to enable local isolation and draining up to 300mm diameter pipework.
Commissioning, Staff Training and Handover.
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